World Mental Health Day | Schizophrenia : Common Sign & Symptoms

Schizophrenia is a common psychiatric illness with prevalence of 1%. Common sign and symptoms include :…

Dual Marker Test During Pregnancy | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector 71, Noida

Down syndrome is the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability seen in approximately 1 in…

Chemical Peels : Treatment for Acne, Pigmentation, Glow, Tanning and Anti Aging

Dr Aastha Gupta explains the procedure and benefits of this treatment. Chemical peeling procedure involves application…

Eye Care through Healthy Diet & Lifestyle | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector-71 Noida

Good eye health starts with the food on your plate. A healthy balanced & nutritious diet…

Jaundice in Newborn Babies | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector-71, Noida

Neonatal jaundice is most common in 70% full-term babies & 80% in premature newborns. They are…

Gynaecological Cancers are Preventable & Treatable | Kailash Hospital, Sec-71, Noida

Gynaecological Cancers are one of the major health problems of women. While early diagnosis of any…

Early Diagnosis of Childhood Cancer promotes better treatment | Kailash Hospital Sec- 27 Noida

Cancer is generally uncommon in children but can happen. The most common Childhood Cancers are leukemia,…

Childhood Cancer Awareness | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sec-71 Noida

Childhood Cancer describes a range of cancer types and noncancerous tumors found in children. Dr. Kuldip…

Childhood Obesity, its Prevention & Risks factors | Kailash Hospital, Sec-27 Noida

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Months. Childhood Obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children…

Childhood obesity : The Silent Pandemic

OBESITY IN CHILDREN While we all are trying to deal with the covid 19 pandemic, I…

Alzheimer’s Disease, its Symptoms & Management | Kailash Hospital Sec- 27 Noida

Alzheimer’s Disease is progressive disorders that cause brain cells to degenerate & die. The symptoms advance…

Sepsis Awareness Month | Kailash Hospital Sec- 27 Noida

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection. Dr. Anil…

Migraine Awareness, Triggers & Treatment | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector 71 Noida

माइग्रेन निश्चित रूप से एक सामान्य सिरदर्द से अलग है और 18-29 आयु वर्ग के अधिकांश…

Gynaecological Health Awareness is Important | International Gynaecological Health Awareness Day

Gynaecological Health is an important concern for women. On the occasion of International Gynaecological Health Awareness,…

गर्भावस्था के दौरान शराब सेवन हो सकता है अजन्मे शिशु के लिए खतरनाक | कैलाश अस्पताल नोएडा

फीटल अल्कोहल स्पेक्ट्रम डिसॉर्डर (ऍफ़. ए. एस. डी) प्रेगनेंसी के दौरान शराब पीना माँ और अजन्मे…