Rid off painful Cold Sores Naturally

  6 Cheapest Natural Ways to Get Rid of Cold Sores Is there anything more horrendous…

Know about the warning signs of Stroke

Know about the warning signs of Stroke

Healthy choices can prevent Birth Defects

‘Healthy bodies make healthy babies’– This phrase is true to every woman who plans pregnancy. Its…

6 Types of Obesity and Solutions to overcome each

6 Types of Obesity   With the advent of westernization, people tend to blindly ape the…

DENGUE FEVER: When you know better about it, You keep safe!!

‘If you love yourself, start hating the Dengue mosquito’- With the arrival of monsoons, the threat…

How Holi Colours Affect Skin

Kailash Hospital Wishes you a Colourful Holi. Celebrate it Safe with Natural Colours..!