Patient Maya Singh was tested COVID-19 positive. When her condition started deteriorating she was admitted to…
For non-pregnant women and others, chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer make you more vulnerable to getting GBS infection. Learn about other risk factors.
For non-pregnant women and others, chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer make you more vulnerable…
Even without any symptoms of infection, pregnant women can pass the GBS infection to their babies during labor and delivery.
Even without any symptoms of infection, pregnant women can pass the GBS infection to their babies…
GBS disease can be prevented during first week of a newborn’s life by testing pregnant women for GBS bacteria & giving antibiotics during labor to women at increased risk.
GBS disease can be prevented during first week of a newborn’s life by testing pregnant women…
International Group B Strep Awareness Month
Preventable GBS infection in newborns can lead to meningitis, pneumonia, blood infection or sepsis. Know the…
International Group B Strep Awareness Month (July)
Group B Strep Group B strep (GBS) are type of gram-positive streptococcal bacteria also known as…