9 yr old Patient Mr. Vidya Sagar Sharma suddenly fell off in the washroom & got his hip bone fractured. He was rushed to Kailash Hospital Greater Noida For immediate treatment. Before any surgery, a Covid analysis was required so he was advised to get tested. Patient tested positive & was admitted for treatment by Physician Dr. Pramila. Post recovery his hip fracture was treated through Small Incision surgery by Sr. Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Bharat Durgia. After treatment, patient recovered well with continuous care by the doctors. Patient’s daughter-in-law Mrs. Sangeeta Sharma tells that they were guided with every essential advice needed to manage his post recovery condition. She appreciates the dedicated efforts of the Doctors & medical staff that helped patient get back home healthy.
For all types of Orthopaedic problems, you may Consult our Orthopaedicianss.
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