Patient Mrs. Shanti Devi, a resident of Uttrakhand suffered a HeartAttack in 2006 & was referred to Kailash Hospital where she was treated by hospital’s Sr. CTVS Surgeon Dr. Satish Mathew through HeartSurgery. Since then she is leading better health with no complications. They have been regularly following up with their Doctor since 2006 & responded very cooperatively for every advice. Her husband, Mr. Mohan Singh, heartedly thanks the Doctors & staff of Kailash Hospital for treating his wife so well. He elaborates that although they stay faraway, he has been getting active assistance from Dr. Satish on call about every advice related to medicines, food & lifestyle which he really appreciates that very less doctors do that. It was really great to see that Mr. Mohan has been archiving a history of his wife’s treatment history in a diary since 2006 which is rare to see. He happily claims that his wife has been getting the most compassionate & caring treatment at Kailash Hospital which helped her lead a healthy life after a heart attack.
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