Dr. Sunil Agarwal, Consultant Neurophysician at Kailash Hospital Greater Noida shares the most important information on Epilepsy (Seizures). According to the doctor, the brain contains billions of neurons that are supplied through the spinal cord throughout the body, from hands to toes. In normal conditions, these neurons function in a proper way. But when sparking occurs among the neurons, it results in epilepsy. Epilepsy can occur in anyone from a neonatal to an elderly person. In children, neuron sparking can be occurred due to birth injury, along with fever, brain tuberculosis, and neurocysticercosis. While in elderly people, epilepsy is caused due to paralysis attack, sugar deficiency, diselectrolysis, etc.
Duration & Symptoms of Epilepsy:
Usually, an epilepsy attack comes for a duration of 10 to 15 or 30 seconds, sometimes it could be of 1 to 2 minutes duration. Due to epilepsy, the patient shows irregular behavior such as twitching on the face, jerking hands, losing focus. Sometimes, the patient becomes unconscious and unresponsive. Side-effects of Epilepsy Medicines: Some medicines of epilepsy show some partial side-effects. But in order to tackle these side-effects, countering medicines are given. Hence, the patients have no cause to worry and follow the doctor recommended plan.
Click to learn about the prevention & management of Epilepsy in the next video: https://youtu.be/iIS_fVw_rD8
For any Epileptic emergency & seizure related complications, Consult our Neurophysicians :https://www.kailashhealthcare.com
Call: 0120-2327797 / 2327799