Child patient Varushka Binjola had been suffering from high fever on & off frequently since last many days. The parents were uncertain about the fever and were trying to get treatment from various health specialists. On recommendation from a relative, parents rushed Varushka to Kailash Hospital, Sector 71, Noida in the Emergency department. The child was immediately admitted under Paediatrician Dr. Anuradha Mittal and prompt care was started. After close analysis, it was found out that child patient Varushka was suffering from Kawasaki disease which was very strange to the parents to understand. The Doctor explained the syndrome to be a Japanese fever and accordingly the treatment was continued. Fortunately in seven-eight days, the child started recovering. Now the patient is healthy to be discharged. Her father appreciates the Doctors & dedicated medical staff that proactively cooperated with the patient and assisted them with every big or small need during the treatment.
For any signs of frequent fevers in children, Consult our Pediatricians immediately.