Diabetic Eye Disease, symptoms, causes & management | Kailash Hospital Greater Noida

People with diabetes & high blood sugar can have an eye disease called Diabetic Eye Disease…

Diabetic Eye Disease, its prevention & management | Kailash Hospital Dehradun

Diabetic eye disease or Diabetic Retinopathy is a group of eye problems that can affect people…

Diabetic retinopathy can be prevented through controlling blood sugar & diabetes. Consult our Ophthalmologist for best advices.

Diabetic retinopathy can be prevented through controlling blood sugar & diabetes. Consult our Ophthalmologist for best…

Are you Diabetic & experiencing some vision problems? it may indicate Diabetes Eye Disease.

Are you Diabetic & experiencing some vision problems? it may indicate Diabetes Eye Disease. Get an…

Stroke & its Management | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sec 71 Noida

Stroke can be a life-threatening condition if not diagnosed & managed in time. Dr. Muneshwar M.…

World Stroke Day (29th October 2020)

Controlled weight & managed blood pressure can help prevent Stroke. Consult our Neurologists for the best…

A timely diagnosis of Stroke symptoms can help in managing the condition & associated complications.

A timely diagnosis of Stroke symptoms can help in managing the condition & associated complications.

World Sight Day (8th October 2020)

Most of the Eye problems are preventable & treatable if detected at an early stage. Protect…

Retinitis Pigmentosa is a group of eye diseases that can lead to loss of sight. Get regular eye checkup.

Retinitis Pigmentosa is a group of eye diseases that can lead to loss of sight. Get…

Experiencing frequent eye pain & headache? it might be due to an eye problem. Consult an Eye specialist.

Experiencing frequent eye pain & headache? it might be due to an eye problem. Consult an…

Any retinal injury or infection can lead to a vision problem. Learn ways to prevent Retinal disorders. Regular eye checkup is important. Consult our Eye Specialists.

Any retinal injury or infection can lead to a vision problem. Learn ways to prevent Retinal…

Flashing lights can be a symptom of retina problems like renal detachment. Know the warning signs of Retinal problems.

Flashing lights can be a symptom of retina problems like renal detachment. Know the warning signs…

Alzheimer’s Disease, its Symptoms & Management | Kailash Hospital Sec- 27 Noida

Alzheimer’s Disease is progressive disorders that cause brain cells to degenerate & die. The symptoms advance…

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease while early awareness & health management can help prevent it

There’s hardly any cure for Alzheimer’s, while early awareness & health management can help prevent it.…

World Alzheimer’s Day (21st Sept. 2020)

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that develops slowly and worsens over time. Early diagnosis of…