स्वछता एवं स्वस्थ्य जीवन अपनाएँ, अपनी इम्यूनिटी को सशक्त करें |

स्वछता एवं स्वस्थ्य जीवन अपनाएँ, अपनी इम्यूनिटी को सशक्त करें | किसी भी स्वास्थ्य असुविधा के…

दो गज़ की दूरी, हाथ को नियमित साबुन व पानी से धोना और मास्क का प्रयोग रख सकता है आपको एवं आपके परिवार सुरक्षित |

दो गज़ की दूरी, हाथ को नियमित साबुन व पानी से धोना और मास्क का प्रयोग…

Stay Safe Stay Healthy | Kailash Hospital Noida

Wear Mask, Wash Hands and Maintain Social Distancing…. It is the Most Wisest precautions you can…

इस महामारी के कठिन समय में आप अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें |

  इस महामारी के कठिन समय में आप अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें |…

Prevent bites, scratches & saliva of non-vaccinated animals & stay safe against Rabies. It requires immediate Doctor consultation post a bite.

Prevent bites, scratches & saliva of non-vaccinated animals & stay safe against Rabies. It requires immediate…

World Rabies Day (28th September 2019)

Rabies virus is transmitted from saliva of non vaccinated animals to wounds affecting the brain &…

These signs may indicate Heat Stress attack, cool yourself down & relax.

Here are some vital tips to prevent humidity during Summers.

Summer heat can affect you with any of these health problems. Take plenty of fluids & rest.

Summer heat can affect you with any of these health problems. Take plenty of fluids &…

Summer is here! so prepare yourself for the heat

Summer is here! so prepare yourself for the heat

Keep yourself protected from Overexposure to Heat during Summers

Keep yourself protected from Overexposure to Heat during Summers

Some Precautions that should be taken during Summer Season

Some Precautions that should be taken during Summer Season

National Dengue Day 16th May

On National Dengue Day Lets create awareness about the symptoms & Precautions of Dengue   The…

Some important precautions that should be taken during Summer Season