Gaurang Bhatt, 16 year old boy & a very brilliant student was admitted to Kailash Hospital, Sec 27, Noida with problems of severe headache, vomiting, drowsiness and mild weakness in the left half of the body. There was mild improvement with medications as treated by Dr Tarun Vijay, Neurophysician. The patient’s MRI brain revealed a Tumor in the right Thalamic region arising from the midbrain. A brain stem Tumor is very difficult to handle being difficult accessibility and very high complications. Post-diagnosis Dr Debabrata Mukherjee, Neurosurgeon was consulted. He was immediately taken up for surgery & his tumor was successfully treated through Endoscopic Brain surgery. Post operatively he improved significantly & was discharged happy. His parents are really satisfied with the hospitality services & thankful to the medical staff.
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