National HIV/AIDS & Aging Awareness Day (18th Sep 2020)

Late diagnosis of HIV infection in older people leads to the late start of treatment &…

Patient Safety emphasizes safety in healthcare through the prevention, reduction, reporting, and analysis of medical error that often leads to adverse effects.

Patient Safety emphasizes safety in healthcare through the prevention, reduction, reporting, and analysis of medical error…

Childhood Cancer can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Know how you can prevent childhood cancer. Consult our experts.

Childhood Cancer can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Know how you can prevent…

Paediatric Cancer symptoms can be very similar to those of other childhood illnesses varying between children. Know the early signs.

Paediatric Cancer symptoms can be very similar to those of other childhood illnesses varying between children.…

Leading a healthy lifestyle can help prevent Gynaecological Cancers. Here are some tips that will help you reduce your risk of cancer. Consult our Gynaecologists.

Leading a healthy lifestyle can help prevent Gynaecological Cancers. Here are some tips that will help…

Cervical Cancer & pre-Cancer symptoms often do not begin until it becomes larger & grows into nearby tissues. Early detection can help its treatment. Consult our Gynae Oncologists.

Cervical Cancer & pre-Cancer symptoms often do not begin until it becomes larger & grows into…

ADHD is a childhood neurobehavioral disorder making it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors.

ADHD is a childhood neurobehavioral disorder making it difficult for a person to pay attention and…

Best management of Celiac disease is to eat a strict gluten-free diet. Here’s some tips to help you manage its symptoms, heal intestinal damage & prevent further damage.

Best management of Celiac disease is to eat a strict gluten-free diet. Here’s some tips to…

National Celiac Disease Awareness Day (13th Sept. 2020)

Celiac disease is a chronic digestive disorder resulting from an immune reaction to gluten protein leading…

Sepsis can be prevented through early treatment of Infections by Critical care specialists. Stop Sepsis, Save Lives.

Sepsis can be prevented through early treatment of Infections by Critical care specialists. Stop Sepsis, Save…

Sepsis Awareness Month | Kailash Hospital Sec- 27 Noida

Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition caused by the body’s response to an infection. Dr. Anil…

Sepsis can be life-threatening if timely treatment is not initiated. Early Diagnosis of Sepsis helps to save lives.

Sepsis can be life-threatening if timely treatment is not initiated. Early Diagnosis of Sepsis helps to…

A Lifesaving Brain Aneurysm Clipping Surgery of a 45yr old patient | Kailash Hospital Sec 27 Noida

Life of a patient after a Brain Aneurysm Clipping Surgery performed about 2 years ago. Mrs.…

Migraine Awareness, Triggers & Treatment | Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute, Sector 71 Noida

माइग्रेन निश्चित रूप से एक सामान्य सिरदर्द से अलग है और 18-29 आयु वर्ग के अधिकांश…

Preserving life is a primary objective of First Aid enabling you to initiate primary help to the injured during an accident or emergency situation until help arrives. Save Lives!

Preserving life is a primary objective of First Aid enabling you to initiate primary help to…