Untreated Respiratory disorders can produce health complications and life-threatening conditions

Untreated Respiratory disorders can produce health complications and life-threatening conditions. Early diagnosis of the symptoms is…

Don’t allow Polio Disease to rob the childhood of your kid. Vaccinate them for Polio & save lives.

Don’t allow Polio Disease to rob the childhood of your kid. Vaccinate them for Polio &…

Stuttering is not a disability but a speech disorder involving problems with normal fluency and flow of speech.

Stuttering is not a disability but a speech disorder involving problems with normal fluency and flow…

Iodine deficiency can cause several health problems including enlarged thyroid gland and neuromuscular weakness.

Iodine deficiency can cause several health problems including enlarged thyroid gland and neuromuscular weakness. Any of…

Low levels of iodine are not the only cause of low thyroid function but also an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Low levels of iodine are not the only cause of low thyroid function but also an…

Healthy lifestyle & a protein rich diet plays an important role in preventing Osteoporosis

Healthy lifestyle & a protein rich diet plays an important role in preventing Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis often considered a “silent bone disease” doesn’t show any signs in early stages unless a person has a severe bone fracture or break.

Osteoporosis often considered a “silent bone disease” doesn’t show any signs in early stages unless a…

Preventing Infections through vital safety measures is important. Wash Hands, Break the Chain of Infection.

Preventing Infections through vital safety measures is important. Wash Hands, Break the Chain of Infection.

Early detection of any traumatic condition can help in proper management. Know the early signs.

Early detection of any traumatic condition can help in proper management. Know the early signs.

Learn valuable tips on how to prevent injuries from trauma on the road or anywhere.

Learn valuable tips on how to prevent injuries from trauma on the road or anywhere. For…

Other than complex spine problems, back pain can be well managed through physiotherapy & other pain management therapies.

Other than complex spine problems, back pain can be well managed through physiotherapy & other pain…

World Spine Day (16th October 2020)

Persistent back pain & stiffness can indicate a Spine problem needing immediate treatment. Consult our Neurologists…

World Food Day, Lets pledge to ” Grow, Nourish, Sustain Together”

Food is an important part of our health & so is healthy eating. This World Food…

On Global Hand Washing Day, Let’s spread awareness about the importance of hand-washing with soap.

On Global Hand Washing Day, Let’s spread awareness about the importance of hand-washing with soap. ‘Hand…

Bone & Joint Health National Action Week (12th – 20th October)

Experiencing frequent joint pain & inflammation? It may indicate an underlying joint problem. Consult our top…