Asthma can be well managed through care. Here are some vital tips to keep your asthma under control.

Asthma can be well managed through care. Here are some vital tips to keep your asthma…

World Asthma Day (4th May 2021)

Asthma can make breathing difficult and cause coughing and wheezing. Learn the symptoms of Asthma. Consult…

स्वछता एवं स्वस्थ्य जीवन अपनाएँ, अपनी इम्यूनिटी को सशक्त करें |

स्वछता एवं स्वस्थ्य जीवन अपनाएँ, अपनी इम्यूनिटी को सशक्त करें | किसी भी स्वास्थ्य असुविधा के…

When it’s about your Health, Choose the Best Hospital of your City. Kailash Hospital available 24X7 for your health.

When it’s about your Health, Choose the Best Hospital of your City. Kailash Hospital available 24X7…

दो गज़ की दूरी, हाथ को नियमित साबुन व पानी से धोना और मास्क का प्रयोग रख सकता है आपको एवं आपके परिवार सुरक्षित |

दो गज़ की दूरी, हाथ को नियमित साबुन व पानी से धोना और मास्क का प्रयोग…

Political Correspondent Mr. Ravi Kant Rai successfully beats Covid-19 | Kailash Hospital Noida

With dedicated efforts of Doctors and timely treatment, Political Correspondent Mr. Ravi Kant Rai successfully beats…

Successful Surgery of Uterus Removal | Kailash Hospital Sector – 27 Noida

Patient Madhu had been suffering with Uterus problem. Her son Mr. Anshu consulted her to Sr.…

Stay Safe Stay Healthy | Kailash Hospital Noida

Wear Mask, Wash Hands and Maintain Social Distancing…. It is the Most Wisest precautions you can…

इस महामारी के कठिन समय में आप अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें |

  इस महामारी के कठिन समय में आप अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें |…

Safe & Timely Immunization helps save lives.

Safe & Timely Immunization helps save lives. Ensure one needle, one syringe per person after Doctor…

World Immunization Week (24th – 30th April 2021)

Time Vaccination against these vaccine-preventable diseases can help save many lives. Get your Vaccination done at…

Want to book an urgent Online Appointment? No more Worries. Now book appointments in just a click with the

Want to book an urgent Online Appointment? No more Worries. Now book appointments in just a…

Immunization is not just a way to protect yourself against deadly diseases but also boost your Immunity to fight back diseases.

Immunization is not just a way to protect yourself against deadly diseases but also boost your…

Hit your Workout outside your Comfort zone to build the Best.

Hit your Workout outside your Comfort zone to build the Best. Join the Best Gym of…

Patient’s Chest Pain & Discomfort successfully managed in time | Kailash Hospital Sector 71 Noida

Patient Amit suddenly experienced chest pain & discomfort. He rushed to Emergency department of Kailash Hospital…